Strong public support for ecocide law
As the scale of environmental risks become more apparent, discussions around legal accountability have intensified. One major focus has been around ecocide, but a missing part of the puzzle has been whether there is public support for criminalising environmental damage. Now, the results are in: there is strong support across those surveyed for criminalising actions […]
Business for ecocide law event in Almedalen
The drivers are diverse, ranging from personal conviction, to what you want your company to bring to the world, enhancing other sustainability work, cleaning up global value chains, business opportunity and more. Perspectives from: Karin Bodin, CEO of Polarbrödsgruppen; Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf, head of sustainability manager of occupational pensions giant SPP, Åsa Domeij, Head of […]
Finland’s ruling party supports recognition of ecocide as an international crime
Summary: The governing board of the largest political party in Finland’s ruling coalition government, the National Coalition Party (NCP) (Finnish: Kansallinen Kokoomus), has expressed support for amending the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to include a standalone crime of ecocide. At the NCP’s bi-annual party conference held in Tampere from 14-16 June […]
KPMG event and Dagens Industri article
40 sustainability managers, including representatives from some of Sweden’s major corporations, were treated to a seminar at KPMG Stockholm, featuring, among other things, ecocide law presented by Nina Macpherson and Anna Surtevall. As witnessed by the number of initiated questions, interest was considerable. Dagens Industri, the Swedish equivalent of the Financial Times, took the opportunity […]
Swedish political support for ecocide law
Six members’ bills had proposed a statement from parliament to the government that it should look into engaging for international ecocide law. Excerpt from committee for foreign affairs statement on the bills: “the committee believes that there is a great need for an international regulatory framework for extensive, long-term and serious damage to the environment, […]
KPMG features ecocide law
By 2026, mass environmental destruction will be criminal in the EU. This is a great step, but it applies only to the EU. Importantly for business, it can contribute to challenging business conditions for EU-based operations. There is a relatively simple way to address this particular threat, and at the same time play a responsible […]
EU Council votes to criminalize “cases comparable to ecocide”
The European Council has formally adopted a new environmental crime directive, which includes provision to criminalise cases ‘comparable to ecocide’. This is the latest and final vote on the new Directive and follows approval by the European Parliament in February and a landmark political agreement between the European Council, Commission and Parliament in November 2023. […]
Human rights and the environment – increasingly important issues for companies and their advisors
Eva-Maj Mühlenbock, President of the Swedish Bar Association The purpose of the seminar was to inform participants of the growing movement to make ecocide an international crime and to clarify why Swedish lawyers should get involved. The president of the Swedish Bar Association Eva-Maj Mühlenbock, and Emma Dansbo, managing partner at Cirio, welcomed participants to […]
Circular economy and ecocide law – two keys to unlock the future
9 april kl. 16:00-18:30 På plats eller online. Adress: Social Venture Network, Lilla Nygatan 13. Lättare förtäring serveras. OSA: Anmäl dig här. Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter innebär cirkulär ekonomi för näringslivet? Nya direktiv och förordningar från EU stöder cirkulär ekonomi och markerar början på en resa mot ökad hållbarhet, ökad konkurrenskraft och nytänkande affärsmöjligheter. Vad […]
Swedish companies urge criminalizing ecocide
On February 27, the CEOs of six companies published a joint call to action on the Swedish media platform Aktuell Hållbarhet (article in Swedish). The CEOs of SPP, Houdini Sportswear, Icebug, Polarbrödgruppen, Svea Solar , and Rejlers state: “55% of the world’s GDP depends on nature’s services. Despite this, we are increasingly witnessing how our […]