Ecocide law and economics

A circular economy is increasingly in focus as one key to a sustainable future. How will law on ecocide at the highest level of the international legal system help boost circular business? Why would promoters of a circular economy support such law?

A webinar on economics and ecocide law based on the report Ecocide law for an Economy within Planetary Boundaries.

Missed the webinar? Never mind, the recording is here.

Andrew Morlet, CEO of the prestigious Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which promotes a circular economy for the benefit of people, business and the natural world;

Elin Bergman, COO of Cradlenet, a network for businesses and organisations working to become circular;

Jonas Roupé, Strategist at Prosperous Planet and co-author of the report ‘Ecocide Law for an Economy within Planetary Boundaries

Highlights from the report.

A 2-page summary of the report is available here.

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