SPP calls for ecocide law

Swedish pension giant SPP is calling for ecocide to be made a crime within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

SPP, major actor in the occupational pension market in Sweden, offers a wide range of savings and pension solutions for businesses and individuals. Sustainability is an integral part of SPP’s business and the company actively drives sustainability issues.

The company is part of Storebrand, one of the Nordics’ leading companies for savings and insurance solutions with more than 1000 billion SEK in asset under management.

“SPP has long excluded companies committing serious environmental offenses from our investments. Humanity relies on nature for food, water, clean air, carbon sequestration to mitigate global warming, and much more. Offenses against nature ultimately translate into offenses against humanity and should therefore be dealt with in the same way”, says Jenny Rundbladh, CEO of SPP.

Johanna Lundgren Gestlöf, chief sustainability officer, has been instrumental in getting SPP to engage in the need for an ecocide law.

“Due to a gap in the legal system, a small number of highly destructive activities continue to harm the living systems upon which we all depend. An international law against such activities would help protect healthy and vibrant ecosystems, human health, and human rights, and mitigate climate change. At the same time, it would enhance the competitiveness of Swedish businesses”, says Johanna.

“We are delighted that such a major and well-respected actor is taking a stand for ecocide law and hope that SPP’s initiative will inspire other corporate actors to consider contributing to making ecocide a crime”, says Monica Schüldt, co-founder of Ecocide Law Alliance.

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