New international business network to safeguard ecosystems

Responsible businesses across the world are currently struggling with legislation. More specifically – the lack of it. Adding Ecocide law to the Rome Statute will level the playing field for business, and at the same time make it possible to prosecute those responsible for serious environmental crimes.
Jonas Roupé, Senior advisor and supply chain expert

Jonas Roupé, Senior advisor and supply chain expert

Healthy ecosystems are key to human well-being. We need to prevent mass damage and destruction of nature – ecocide. There is a way, and you can help make it happen.

“Stopping Ecocide through international criminal law is essential for the survival of our cultures and economies and decisive in order to safeguard global ecosystems with their species variety, as the collective life insurance of humanity”, says Tarja Halonen, former President of Finland.

Ecocide Law Alliance, formed in May 2021, welcomes companies and business leaders committed to sustainable and regenerative business.  The Ecocide Law Alliance is a knowledge hub for ecocide law as a key enabler for a regenerative, sustainable economy. The Alliance has two areas of operation.

Communication and Advocacy – The Alliance works to contribute to increased knowledge, to bring wider support for Ecocide Law.

Knowledge and Research – The Alliance initiates and supports research initiatives regarding international hard law as a change agent towards a sustainability.

“Our most critical task is to make ecocide an international crime, levelling the playing field for business. Strategically, this simple act has huge potential. Making the destruction of nature an international crime will help speed up the sustainability transition, promote green infrastructure, and safeguard future generations”, says Jonas Roupé, co-founder of the Ecocide Law Alliance and former chief strategy officer at Ericsson.

Interested in learning more and finding out how you can participate? Contact us.

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Ecocide Law Alliance has been accepted as environmental partner by the prestigious 1% for the Planet network.