How can Ecocide Law help direct our techno-economic power?

Technology increases the speed and power of human activity, but does not make informed choices about the direction of those activities. How can making mass destruction of nature a crime before the International Criminal Court in the Hague – Ecocide Law – help direct our techno-economic power?

Welcome to a seminar about how making ecocide a crime can help:

  • reaching the Paris Agreement
  • protect biodiversity
  • protect human health
  • promote long-term economic stability and global security
  • prevent some illegal activities linked to organized crime


Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland.

Kevin Noone, Professor of Chemical Meteorology at the Department of Environmental Science (ACES) at Stockholm University.

Neshan Gunasekera, international lawyer and environmentalist, research fellow with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.

Elina Eriksson, associate professor and co-lead of the research group Sustainable Futures Lab at KTH.

Jonas Roupé, Chair of Cradlenet, corporate strategist with focus on systemic change.

Time: Wed 2023-09-27 16.30 – 18.00

Location: Teknikringen 43, KTH Climate Action Centre

The seminar is a collaboration with End Ecocide Sweden.

Register here for participation on-site.
For remote participation we provide streaming here.

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