Pella Thiel awarded A Sustainable Prize 2021 for her work with ecocide law

Ecologist Pella Thiel is awarded A Sustainable Prize 2021 for her work in making large-scale environmental degradation (ecocide) an international crime.
Pella Thiel

Pella Thiel

The goal is for ecocide to become a crime within the same framework as the most serious crimes against human rights: genocide, war crimes, crimes of aggression and crimes against humanity – Pella Thiel

Pella Thiel, ecologist, Chair of End Ecocide Sweden and expert in UN Harmony with Nature programme receives A Sustainable Prize 2021 from the organisation “A Sustainable Tomorrow”. The award was presented at the sustainability and future conference with the same name, this year with a focus on regenerative business.

Pella Thiel emphasizes three effects when ecocide becomes a crime

First, strong legal protection for the vital ecosystems, with personal responsibility for decisions that cause great damage to them.

Secondly, that investment flows shift away from destructive activities and thus can stimulate a shift to a circular economy and innovation.

Third and perhaps most important: a cultural shift in the human relationship with nature. It is through law that we create a common understanding of right and wrong.

She emphasizes the importance of laws that protect and enable. Now is the time for legislation that protects ecosystems and enables regenerative business. Making ecocide an international crime will accelerate the shift to a circular economy and a regenerative business sector.

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