Ecogain webinar

Webinar: Ecocide – What is large-scale environmental destruction and what does international criminalization entail? On November 10th at 8:45 AM, Ecogain is hosting a webinar on ecocide and its impact on the environment and ecosystems, featuring Anders Enetjärn, environmental expert at Ecogain and Nina MacPherson as a guest. Time: 10 November kl 8.45am-9.15am Link: […]

Nordic Council urges governments to join ecocide law discussion

The decision was unanimous and thus has support from parties from across the political spectrum. Rebecka Le Moine, member of Sweden’s delegation to the Nordic Council, raised the proposal for ecocide law together with Simon Holmström from Åland and Janine Alm Ericson from Sweden. Rebecka Le Moine believes the need for ecocide law is increasingly […]