United Kingdom

UK Labour Party pledges support. (Nov. 2021)
House of Lords debate on proposed amendment to environment bill. (Sept 2021). Read more.
Parliament. Proposed amendment to environment bill. (June 2021) Read more.
Parliamentary member’s bill (July 2021)
Shadow Justice Minister calls for ecocide to be criminalised (October 2020)
Why ecocide should be a crime. 16/02/2021  
To stop climate disaster, make ecocide an international crime. It’s the only way. 24/02/2021
Is it time for “ecocide” to become an international crime?”. 01/03/2021.
Ecocide must be listed alongside genocide as an international crime. 22/06/2021
“How do we protect the planet from destruction? Make ecocide a crime.” o7/07/2021.

The Independent

2020 has been a bleak year in the climate crisis. So here’s the good news. 31/12/2020.

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