Human Rights and Ecocide Law

Dagens Industri (the Swedish Financial Times) is hosting an event on November 23 where Nina Macpherson, member of the Board of eg TRATON SE and former chief legal officer at Ericsson, and Camilla Goldbeck-Löwe, VP Corporate Responsibility, Epiroc, will address the topic “Ecocide and human rights – what can you do as chief legal officer?”

When it comes to sustainability and human rights, there are a number of things senior corporate lawyers can do to make a difference, but how to tackle the area? How to know that you are doing enough? What is Ecocide, and why human rights due diligence?

Ecocide Law Alliance will publish a report and host a webinar on how ecocide legislation contributes to human rights.

Meanwhile, for senior Swedish corporate lawyers, Dagens Industri (the Swedish Financial Times) is hosting an event on November 23 where Nina Macpherson, member of the Board of eg TRATON SE and former chief legal officer at Ericsson, and Camilla Goldbeck-Löwe, VP Corporate Responsibility, Epiroc, will address the topic “Ecocide and human rights – what can you do as chief legal officer?”

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