
Webinar: Human Rights, Business and Ecocide 14th Dec

In October 2021, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution recognising the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment and calling on UN Member States to cooperate to implement this right. Many businesses are already successfully working towards a zero or net zero emissions target, and are now starting to look for complementary and direct ways to protect human rights and biodiversity. How can international law on mass destruction of ecosystems – ecocide – enable other efforts towards sustainability? Join us on December 14th at 17-18 CET, to find out more. Registration Panel Kate Mackintosh, Director of the Promise Institute for Human Rights at UCLA. Nina Macpherson, Board Member of Scania and Traton, former Chief Legal Officer of Ericsson. Lene Wendland, Chief of the Business and Human Rights section at the UN OHCHR. Erik Huss, CEO at Husstainability AB, Geographer and Science journalist with a background in Glaciology and Earth system sciences. Moderated by Monica Schüldt, Ecocide Law Alliance