How can Ecocide Law help direct our techno-economic power?
Welcome to a seminar about how making ecocide a crime can help: reaching the Paris Agreement protect biodiversity protect human health promote long-term economic stability and global security prevent some illegal activities linked to organized crime SPEAKERS AND PANEL: Kristín Vala Ragnarsdóttir, Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland. Kevin Noone, Professor of […]
Exponential Roadmap Initiative recommends ecocide law
”Support publicly the inclusion of ecocide in legislation at all levels (global, regional, national, local).” – Exponential Roadmap Initiative 1.5°C Business Playbook The new edition of the 1.5°C Business Playbook recommends members to support publicly the inclusion of ecocide in legislation at all levels. Exponential Roadmap Initiative members – endorsing the 1.5°C Business Playbook – […]
Well attended event at PRI
Caroline Mofors, board member of the Ecocide Law Alliance, introduced the proposal to criminalize mass destruction of the environment to an interested audience. The focus of this occasion was the definition for ecocide proposed by a panel of twelve experts in international criminal law and environmental law. It succinctly defines ecocide as “unlawful or wanton […]
Claes Dahlbäck: Legal clarity will help sustainable and important business
Why did you co-found Ecocide Law Alliance? I believe humanity must learn to use, but not consume, the resources created by the riches of nature. To do that, it’s good to have laws that clarify what is way beyond the pale in terms of what the environment can take. It benefits society as a whole, […]
Ecogain supports ecocide law
“Ecocide is about changing our norms about nature. It’s a no-brainer!”, says Anders Enetjärn, Founder of Ecogain, Business Developer and Thought Leader Earlier this year, Ecogain was doubly awarded at a gala in Umeå: the company was made “Growth company of the year” and founder Anders Enetjärn was awarded “Entrepreneur of the year”. Ecogain has […]
EU Parliament announces support for ecocide law
Yesterday, via announcement at a monthly plenary session, the European Parliament officially declared its support of the inclusion of ecocide-level crimes into the European Union’s revised Directive on protection of the environment through criminal law. The proposed text uses language extremely close to the consensus international definition of ecocide (June 2021) proposed by the Independent […]
European Law Institute report on ecocide for the EU
With over 100 institutional members and over 1600 individual members from the legal profession around Europe, the independent Institute was founded in 2011 to “improve the quality of European law, understood in the broadest sense. It seeks to initiate, conduct and facilitate research, to make recommendations, and to provide practical guidance in the field of […]
Iceland hopeful for results on recognition of ecocide at Council of Europe summit
Jakobsdóttir expressed her optimism in the Icelandic parliament during a discussion responding to a parliamentary inquiry on the matter of ecocide from MP Andrés Ingi Jónsson of the Pirate Party on 20 March 2023. Jónsson’s inquiry centered on the current status of his previously lodged parliamentary resolution proposing that the Icelandic government recognize ecocide as […]
EU legal committee unanimous vote to recognize ecocide level crimes
Four previous consultative committees had already voted in favour of including ecocide. Now, the last and most important of the committees in the context of this Directive, the legal affairs (JURI) committee, unanimously voted to include the most serious environmental crimes – widely known as “ecocide” – in its proposed text for the Directive which […]
March 29: Ecocide Law for an Economy within Planetary Boundaries (online webinar)
Welcome to a webinar on economics and ecocide law, where a qualified panel will address key issues. What is the crucial contribution of a circular economy? How does ecocide law unlock the door to a circular economy? Why is “hard” law needed? We have thousands of agreements and conventions; do we really need more law? […]